Meridian Bioscience is attending ASTMH 65th Annual Meeting

Meridian will be exhibiting at the upcoming ASTMH 65th Annual Meeting. Join us at Monday's symposium or visit our booth for an interactive product demonstration.

Click here to schedule a product demo or visit our booth during exhibit hours.

We look forward to seeing you in November!

ASTMH 65th Annual Meeting

November 13-17

Atlanta Marriott Marquis and Hilton Atlanta | Atlanta, Georgia USA

Experience It Live!

illumigene® Product Demos | Booth #412

Sponsored Symposium

Monday, November 14 | 7:15 - 9 PM EST

Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel | Marquis D Meeting Room, Marquis Level

Two key experts will share insights on the challenges and advances for diagnosing Malaria in two different settings: pre-elimination areas in developing countries and imported Malaria to developed countries.

Guest Speakers

Professor Daouda Ndiaye, PharmD, MsC, PhD

Professor of Parasitology and Mycology and Director of the Sengal African Centre for Excellence on Genomic and Infectious Diseases, based at the University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal. He gained his PhD from Harvard University and is currently a visiting scientist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Carlo Severini

Senior Researcher at the Department of Infectious, Parasitic and Immunomediated Diseases (MIPI), Instituto Superiore di Sanità, in Rome, Italy. He is also the Italian responsible for the “WHO-Collaborating for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Control.”

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