H. pylori is the #1 cause of ulcers and a known carcinogen
Dear <<First Name>>,
H. pylori has been classified as a group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization since 1994.1 Patients suspected of having an ulcer should be tested for H. pylori before being prescribed PPIs, and if they are infected they should be treated and tested again to confirm eradication.
Meridian’s HpSA® (H. pylori Stool Antigen)
Tests are the ONLY FDA-cleared, stool-based, 3-in-1 tests for diagnosis, monitoring, and confirmation of H. pylori eradication:
(1)  Test it.
  No fasting, no need to stop taking PPIs or H2 blockers
(2)  Monitor it.
  Know if therapy is working and help patients remain compliant
(3)  Test again.
  Collect a third sample and retest to make sure your patient's infection has been eliminated
to treat
starts with an
H. pylori test
  HpSA® Meridian Bioscience®, Inc.  
The AGA and ACG recommend the use of a noninvasive active infection test, like Meridian HpSA®, instead of serology testing.2,3 See the differences between diagnostic tests for yourself.
Visit our H. pylori learning center for more information. Email info@meridianbioscience.com, or call us at
1-844-763-6769 if you have any questions.
Mike Shaughnessy
Executive Vice President
President, Meridian Global Diagnostics
  Take a stand against H. pylori. Learn more about Meridian HpSA® today.
ACG=American College of Gastroenterology; AGA=American Gastroenterological Association.
References: 1. NIH National Cancer Institute. Helicobacter pylori and Cancer. Available at: www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/ risk/infectious-agents/h-pylori-fact-sheet#q1. Accessed May 24, 2016. 2. Chey WD, Wong BCY, and the Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007;102:1808-1825. 3. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: Evaluation of Dyspepsia, Gastroenterology, 2005; 129:1756-1780.
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Bioscience®, Inc.
Inspired Science. Trusted solutions®.
3471 River Hills Drive Cincinnati, OH 45244
©2016 Meridian Bioscience, Inc. April 2016