The only company to provide the complete C. difficile testing portfolio.

Meridian Bioscience recognizes the formidable challenges healthcare professionals face in addressing Clostridium difficile — or, C. difficile — the most common cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients and in patients in long term care facilities.1 Early diagnosis and treatment of C. difficile infection (CDI) are crucial in preventing complications and controlling the spread of infection. Customize your diagnostic approach with one of the Meridian algorithm options below.

For more information, click here or contact a specialist at 1-888-763-6769.

C. difficile Algorithm Solutions

Meridian Molecular Confirmation

Illumigene C. Difficile

Meridian GDH Screen | Molecular Confirmation

Immuno Card - C. Difficile GDH to Illumigene C. Difficile

Meridian Molecular Screen | Toxin Confirmation

Illumigene C. Difficile to Immuno Card - Toxins A & B

Meridian GDH Screen | Toxin Presence | Molecular Confirmation

Immuno Card - C. Difficile GDH to Immuno Card - Toxins A & B to Illumigene C. Difficile

Meridian Bioscience, Inc. - Celebrating 25+ Years of Leadership in C. difficile Diagnostics

Meridian Bioscience, Inc. | 3471 River Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,